PPS Constitution

CONSTITUTION AND RULES OF Pteterborough Photographic Society (PPS)

1. Name

The name of the Society shall be "Peterborough Photographic Society".

PPS is affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) through the North & East Midland Photographic Federation (N&EMPF).

2. Aim

The Society's aim is to help members improve their photography by meeting with like minded people.

3. Objectives

The Society will fulfil this aim by:

  • holding meetings
  • hosting photographic talks
  • organising practical events
  • publicising and promoting the society
  • arranging interest groups as necessary
  • raising funds and receiving contributions to finance these objectives
  • liaising with other organisations and societies
  • participating in external competitions
  • welcoming new members
  • hosting an annual exhibition of members' work
  • organising and carrying out internal competitions

(The last two items are subjected to PPS rules, which are reviewed and published each year. They may be downloaded from the website)

4. Membership

  1. Membership of the Society shall be open to anyone interested in photography.
  2. Visitors are welcome to attend any meetings to find out more about the club and meet members without any obligation.
    They are welcome at all meetings, but will not be eligible to enter competitions or vote at the Annual General Meeting.
  3. The Committee shall have the power to refuse membership of an applicant where it is considered such membership would be detrimental to the aims and purposes or activities of the Society.
    All members and visitors are expected to be considerate and show respect for the work and opinions of our invited guests (lecturers and judges alike) and fellow members during each meeting. Where the behaviour or attitude of members gives rise to dissension, appropriate action will be taken by the Committee.
  4. The Annual Subscription shall be:
    1. Full members.
    2. Joint members.
    3. Senior citizens (must be in receipt of state pension)
    4. Joint Senior Citizens.
    5. Students (in full time education)
  5. The annual subscription shall be determined at an Annual General Meeting and will be reviewed as necessary.
  6. Annual subscriptions must be paid by continuing members within four (4) weeks of the season starting. Failure to do so will result in visitors' fees applying, will preclude entry to all competitions and preclude access to the members’ area of the website.
  7. Attendance fees for members and visitors shall be determined at the AGM and reviewed as necessary.

5. Management

  1. Peterborough Photographic Society shall be managed by a committee, ideally covering the following areas of responsibility:-
    • President
    • President Elect
    • Past President
    • Secretary
    • Minutes Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • Publicity Officer
    • Competition Captain
    • Programme Secretary
    • Exhibition Secretary
    • Website Administrator

    together with up to three (3) other members who may be required to undertake specific duties such as:

    • Bill Dunn Competition Secretary
    • Brotherhoods Competition Secretary
    • Membership Secretary

    Committee members may, at times, hold more than one area of responsibility.

  2. The officers of the Society (with the exception of the President, President Elect and Past President who normally hold post for two years) and ordinary members of the committee shall retire annually, but be eligible for re-election.
  3. The President will normally not hold office for more than two (2) consecutive years.
  4. The President Elect shall become President upon completion of the President's period of office.
  5. A future President should only be elected if they have been a member of the society for the preceding two years and have served on the committee. This requirement may be waived at the discretion of the committee, in exceptional circumstances.
  6. In the event that, at the end of the President's term, the Society has no President Elect in post to replace him/her, the committee will nominate a suitable candidate from the committee to serve as an interim measure.
  7. Committee members must be at least 18 years old.
  8. Should there be a Committee vacancy between elections, a PPS member may be informally co-opted. Ideally this person would have been a PPS member for at least one year but, in exceptional circumstances the Committee may waive this requirement. The nominated person must be proposed, seconded and voted on at the next Committee Meeting. Any such addition of personnel must be ratified at the next AGM/EGM. This person would have full voting rights and responsibilities.
  9. At times, the Committee may identify the need for expertise they do not possess and need to co-opt someone or ask for their expert opinion. Suitable person/s may be discussed informally and then suggested for Committee approval by the current President. Where necessary a person would join the Committee as a co-opted member, for a specific length of time or to complete a specific task. This person would not have voting rights. He/she need not be a PPS member. The membership would be advised of any such action.
  10. Voting for the election of Committee Members will normally take place at the AGM which is held at the end of the photographic year.
  11. At the discretion of the committee, the Society may elect a limited number of Honorary Life Members.
  12. The Committee have the power to set up sub-groups and working parties as deemed necessary who shall be accountable to the committee.
  13. In the event that a committee member should wish to resign from their post, they should, as soon as possible, but no longer than one month, return any items or documents belonging to the Society and assist, where possible, with a handover to the incoming member.
  14. In order to ensure that the core objectives of the Society are met, and the Society efficiently managed, agreement from the committee will be sought prior to implementation of any procedural changes or improvements. This may include changes to new software systems, new technology, accounting procedures and social networking.

6. Committee Meetings

  1. The committee shall meet as appropriate, approximately 6 times per annum.
  2. Two thirds of the current committee shall form a quorum.
  3. The committee shall be accountable to the members at all times.
  4. All meetings must be minuted and those minutes made available to any member within 21 days.
  5. All committee members should be given an agenda at least seven (7) days in advance of a meeting, unless it is deemed an emergency meeting.
  6. Voting at committee shall be by show of hands on a majority basis. If there is a tied vote the President shall have a casting vote.

7. Annual General Meeting (AGM)

  1. Peterborough Photographic Society shall hold an AGM at the end of the season each year to enable retiring officers and committee to finish their work, and the new committee to be established by the 1st Setember.
  2. The Society's year to run from 1st September to 31st August.
  3. Members shall be notified of the AGM date in the Programme Booklet which is issued at the start of the season. A reminder will be sent out by the Sec six weeks prior to the AGM taking place.
  4. The business of the AGM shall include, but is not limited to:
    1. Receiving a report and presentation from appropriate committee members providing an account of the Society’s activities over the year.
    2. Electing a new committee
    3. Providing and approving the financial accounts of the society
    4. Members must submit any proposed alterations/additions to the Constitution in writing to the Sec 4 weeks prior to the AGM. Any such proposals will be considered at the discretion of the Committee. Notice stating the proposed alterations shall be given to all voting members 14 days prior to the AGM or EGM. The proposer, or his/her representative, must be present to formally make the proposal at the AGM.
    5. Considering Suggestions put forward by members for discussion regarding future policies and including new activities, interpretation of rules, ideas etc to fulfil our objectives. These must be submitted to the Sec two weeks prior to the AGM.

8. Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)

  1. The committee may at any time call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) if, Eight or more members may also request an EGM. In either case the secretary will notify the membership of the date within 28 days. The request for an EGM shall be accompanied by a resolution or resolutions setting out the nature of the business to be carried out at the meeting.
  2. Members shall be notified of the resolutions to be discussed or nature of the business at least 14 days prior to it taking place.

9. Conduct of AGM and EGM

  1. A quorum shall consist of twenty per cent (20%) of the Society’s membership.
  2. Any alterations or additions to the Constitution and Rules must be approved by two thirds of the members present at the meeting.
  3. Voting shall be by a show of hands on a majority basis. If there is a tied vote, the President shall have the casting vote.

10. Finance

  1. Any money obtained by the Society shall be used for the purposes of the Society.
  2. Any bank accounts opened for the Society shall be in the name of the Society.
  3. Any cheques issued shall be signed by two of the nominated signatories.
  4. The Committee, particularly the Programme Secretary, shall work with the Treasurer to ensure that the Society stays within the budget.

11. Dissolution

  1. This society may be wound up at any time if agreed by two-thirds of those members present at an AGM or EGM. In the event of winding up, any assets remaining, after all debts have been paid, shall be given to another society with similar aims.

A copy of this Constitution will be available to all members.

Additionally it may be downloaded from the website:- www.peterboroughps.org.uk

Updated: May 2019